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reports generator中文是什么意思

用"reports generator"造句"reports generator"怎么读"reports generator" in a sentence


  • 报表生成器


  • The test report generator allows you to construct text file reports that summarize the execution results of a specific test case
  • Its clever succinctness lets you code in five minutes the report generators , network probes , text filters , and process monitors that demand day - long efforts with other languages
  • At last , according to the characteristic of report generator in tribon , we established the product structure managing system , studied the algorithm for the generation of the product structure tree and generated the visual product structure tree , and have an eye on the management of bom , taking accout of the correctness of the information of bom , we adopted the method of from top to bottom or from bottom to top to provide information ; and designed 6 bom to accomplish the function
  • Configurable report generator provides activity and cost reporting functionality , using variables such as user id , document name , queue , terminal id , date , time , client code , subcode , paper size , consumables , features , page count , page cost , and account balance industry standard comma - separated values allow for quick and easy importation of report data into other report writers
    灵活的报告生成模块可提供活动记录报告以及成本分析报告,可根据不同的条件进行分类,例如:用户id ,文件名称,队列,终端id ,日期,时间,客户代码,子代码,纸张大小,耗材使用记录,使用功能,打印页数,单张成本以及账户余额。
用"reports generator"造句  
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